Scorpion Sting: A Reason for Failed Local Anesthetic Action (CASE REPORT)



Failed action of local anesthetics can be due to technical errors, but resistance to local anesthetic agents can also be a reason. Scorpion venom has the potential to cause antibodies to local anesthetics and genetic mutations in the receptors resulting in local anesthesia resistance. We would like to report two cases with a history of scorpion stings in the past where resistance to local anesthetic agents was seen. Local anesthesia resistance can be manifested as inadequate block or block failure. In such cases, the anesthesiologist should keep a history of scorpion bite in mind in areas where scorpion sting is common. Eliciting the history of scorpion bites should be a part of the routine preoperative protocol in areas where scorpion bites are frequent.

Dalal KS, Chellam S, Toal PV, Panse S. Scorpion Sting: A Reason for Failed Local Anesthetic Action. Res Inno in Anesth 2023; 8 (2):57-59.