On the identity of Opopaea euphorbicola Strand, 1909 and first records of three other non-native goblin spiders from Ascension Island (Araneae: Oonopidae)
Strand (1909) described Opopaea euphorbicola Strand, 1909 from Ascension Island, stating “Zwei ♀♀ von Ascension 14.IX.03, unter Euphorbia origanoides” (Strand, 1909: 549) indicating the habitat from which it was collected and clarifying there were two [syntypic] females. This material was collected by the 1901–1903 German South Polar Expedition, which also collected spiders on nearby Saint Helena (Strand 1909; Sherwood & Fowler 2023). Strand’s description focuses mostly on somatic characters and does little to establish the identity of this species, given the lack of illustrations, which is common for his descriptions (Nentwig et al. 2020).
Many thanks to Danni Sherwood for providing me with the full paper via ResearchGate
Sherwood, Danniella & Sharp, Adam. (2024). On the identity of Opopaea euphorbicola Strand, 1909 and first records of three other non-native goblin spiders from Ascension Island (Araneae: Oonopidae). 5437. 125-130. 10.11646/zootaxa.5437.1.9.