Spider Recording Scheme News Summer 2024, No. 109


Review of the Spiders Recorded  (2015–2023) and Harvestmen of Watsonian County Durham and Northumberland


The following article represents the third review covering spider recording in Watsonian County Durham (vicecounty 66) and Northumberland (vice-counties 67 and 68), collectively referred to in this series as north-east England. The two previous articles separately covered County Durham (Wilson, 2018) and Northumberland (Wilson, 2015); whereas this article covers all three VCs combined because of limited recording effort in this region. The previous two reviews focussed solely on the spiders (Araneae) whereas this, for the first time so far as the author is aware, provides an overview of the harvestmen (Opiliones) fauna of the three vice-counties. 

Spider Recording Scheme News Summer 2024, No. 109 SRS website: http://srs.britishspiders.org.uk