Revision of the genus Pireneitega in France and in the Pyrenees with the description of P. occitanica sp. nov. (Araneae, Agelenidae)
The genus Pireneitega (Kishida, 1955) is revised in France and in the Pyrenees, following the discovery
of a new species in Occitanie (ex régions Midi-Pyrénées et Languedoc-Roussillon). Pireneitega occitanica sp. nov. is
described, previously confused with P. pyrenaea (Simon, 1870) in the Pyrénées-Orientales, and with P. segestriformis
in Ariège, where these species coexist. As part of this revision, the synonymies proposed by Simon (1937) are
confirmed and two others are corrected : Amaurobius roscidus C.L. Koch, 1836 = Coelotes terrestris (Wider, 1834)
and Clubiona ferox nigra Wlackenaer, 1837 = P. segestriformis Dufour, 1820. To achieve this, the type materiel was
studied and some lectotypes et neotypes are designated. Type localities and their associated approximations are
also discussed. An identification key to the three Pyrenean species is given. The distribution of these 3 species and
of Coelotes terrestris in the Pyrenees are mapped.
Déjean, Sylvain & Danflous, Samuel. (2024). Révision du genre Pireneitega en France et dans les Pyrénées et description de P. occitanica sp. nov. (Araneae, Agelenidae). 11. 28-51.