Scorpion fauna of urban Delhi, India


Scorpion fauna of urban Delhi, India


Delhi, one of the world’s most populous cities, hosts a diverse array of urban habitats amidst its limited green cover. Scorpions, distinguished by their venomous stings and ancient lineage, thrive in Delhi’s semi-arid climate. Despite their ecological significance, studies on scorpion diversity in urban environments remain scarce. This study aimed to address this gap by conducting the first systematic assessment of scorpion diversity in Delhi. Field surveys were conducted during both day and night to collect specimens, which were then identified using established taxonomic keys. Four scorpion species from two families were recorded, including Chersonesometrus fulvipes, Isometrus maculatus, Compsobuthus rugosulus, and Lychas cf. biharensis. The semi-arid climate of Delhi, within the Punjab plains biogeographic province, provides a conducive environment for scorpion species to inhabit. This study serves as a preliminary assessment of scorpion diversity in Delhi and underscores the need for further dedicated surveys to comprehensively understand their distribution and ecology in the region.

Barhadiya, G., Pandey, P., Sultana, A., Mohapatra, P. P., & Das, S. K. (2025). Scorpion fauna of urban Delhi, India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India125(1), 57–62.