
Changes in the material properties of spider glue droplet proteins accompanied shifts in prey capture biomechanics as cobweb spiders diverged from their orb weaving ancestors

Refuge preferences and web trap lines: the potential for competitive displacement of endemic katipō Latrodectus katipo by the invasive false katipō Steatoda capensis (Araneae: Theridiidae).

Record of the cob-web spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Araneae: Theridiidae) feeding on the scorpion Tityus serrulatus (Lutz & Mello 1922) (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in urban area of Brazil

A specimen of Theridion trifile Simon1907 imported to Britain from Kenya (Araneae Theridiidae) Deady and Allen 2024

First winter record of Latrodectus mirabilis (Araneae: Theridiidae) in arid Patagonia: a consequence of climate change and urbanization?

Patterns of the introduction, spread, and impact of the brown widow spider, Latrodectus geometricus (Araneae: Theridiidae), in the Americas

First record of the cob-web spider Platnickina adamsoni (Berland, 1934) from Ascension Island (Araneae: Theridiidae)

Phylogenetic analyses and description of a new species of black widow spider of the genus Latrodectus Walckenaer (Araneae, Theridiidae) from Mexico; one or more species?